Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Night By Elie Weisel

To suffer, as defined in the dictionary, means to undergo or feel pain or great distress. Another way to say it is to sustain injury, disadvantage, or loss. And yet another way to definesuffering is to say to endure or be afflicted with something temporary or chronically. If they wereto ask Elie Wiesel what his definition of suffering was, he would have a lot to say and what hetold them would be more horrible than their wildest dreams. It is hard to relate to something ofthe magnitude of Elie’s suffering, without actually being there, but after reading his book I have awhole new understanding and sympathy for the Holocaust victims. Elie’s story took place while he was a very young boy, approximately 14. His friend(town beggar) Moshe, had been somewhat helping with his studies until all the foreigners wereforced to leave the town. Sneaking back in several weeks later Moshe told of the stories that hehad witnessed. They were gruesome accounts of what the Nazi’s were doing to innocentchildren. His stories were payed little attention, but soon the townspeople were being forced toleave and migrate towards ghettos. From there it was just waiting till they were moved by train tothe concentration camps. Once off the train, Elie and his father were separated from Elie’smother and sister, little did he know that he would never see them again. Through bribery andfriendships along the way he managed to stay close to his aging father. Little respect and evenless food was given to the captives while they performed labor intensive tasks in the quarries. During the day work was performed and if anyone was caught doing anything illegal the weremurdered in front of anybody to set an example of what would happen if an escape was tried. Throughout Elie’s horrific ordeal, he would always comment on the night. This wasfitting being the name of the book, but also because that is the time most of us do our reflection. It is time spent alone and it giving a chance to sort out your thoughts and be one with yourself. Nighttime was probably when reality set in. Elie would often compare himself and the othervictims to the trials that Job went through. If you remember, the book of Job did not explain the mystery of suffering but explored the idea of faith in the midst of suffering. It started out as adiscussion between Satan and God on the loyalty of his servants. Satan proposed that if he wereto take away all of Job’s values in life that he would indeed curse the name of God. God agreedto let Job be tested but his live could not be taken from him. So, Satan did take away every thingincluding his family, his house, and all of his livestock. Then to top it he afflicted Job with boilsand sores all over his body. Job had no idea all of this was being done to him but his friendsseemed to think that it was because he had done something wrong and God was punishing him forit. Elie felt the same way but at the end of Job’s story God tries to rectify Job’s life to the statefrom which it came. Elie was not as lucky. Elie’s health was deteriorating but his old father felt it worse. They were bothmalnourished but at Elie’s young age he could hold out a little longer. On January 29 were Elieawoke his father was gone. His father lack of health and old age was his downfall. The death ofhis father made Elie and stronger person with only his own well-being on his mind. He no longerhad to worry if his father was keeping up with the work or that he had enough food. He wasliving for himself. This new focused energy is what kept Elie from dying himself. Not too longafter his father’s death the Allies moved in and Elie and the few remaining prisoners wereliberated. This was a time of joy for some but also a time of sadness in remembrance of all whohad gone before them. Before reading this book I had a somewhat skeptic view of what exactly had taken placeduring the war. While reading this book I believed this man’s testimony 100%. It was beyond mycomprehension how something like this could have and did take place. The only thought that Ihad at the completion of this book was, what about the other victims (non-jews). I guess becausethis was only one man’s story and Jews were the only people he saw so that is what he wroteabout. This book really makes you think about all the freedoms that I (WE) take for grantedeveryday. I have learned to view the Holocaust in an all new perspective.

Online Grading System Essay

Computer technology has become an essential tool in the current human race. Computers serve as efficient data storage systems and excellent information processors. It can store, organize and manage huge amount of data. Moreover, it operates on incomparable speeds, thus saving human time and effort to a large extent. True, computers are an integral part of the lives of the people today. It said that inventions change the way people live. Computer technology is a classic example of this adage. It has indeed changed the way of living of the people all over the world. In essence, grading is an exercise in professional judgment on the part of instructors. It involves the collection and evaluation of students’ achievement or performance over a specified period of time, such as one month, a semester, or entire school year. Through this process, various types of descriptive information and measures of students’ performance are converted into grades that summarize students’ accomplishments. The increasing usage of computers gave way for the birth of a new technological advancement that had assisted teachers to easily compute for grades, the digitization of spreadsheets. The main advantage is speed, since no manual calculations are needed, and confirmation of grade for any further necessary alterations can also be performed more quickly than traditional means. Managing grades had become easier for instructors when using electronic spreadsheets1. With the advancement of information technology, the Internet suddenly became an important aspect for local and global connectivity. Because the computers around the globe were logically connected through the Internet, communication had been easier with the use of E-Mail, message boards and other communication programs. As the technology’s complexities and bandwidth arise, so does the need for software to utilize them. From basic text and images, innovation pushed web sites to include tools for specialized services. The need to inject applications to the fundamental web pages gave birth to server-side scripts like PHP, and database applications like MySQL. Thus, having an online system for a particular company, means having advantages, advantages like having to visit the own website whenever wanted with comfort and without having to walk yourself to the company itself. The current Grading System of Asian Development Foundation College is done manually. The researchers observed that the current aforementioned system allocates a lot of time before having to submit the grades of the students from the teachers. The posting and viewing of grades in Asian Development Foundation College is also manually processed. The teachers go through a lot of computations for each of their student’s grade which causes a lot of effort and consumes time as well, then after computing the grades, the teachers then presents the grades to the school administration of Asian Development Foundation College to provide it for the students. The students will have to wait for their teacher to finish computing their grade and will need to go to school to ask for their grades. So if there would be a much easier way in posting the grades by the teachers and viewing the grades by the students, it is through an Online System. The researchers proposed an Online Grading System of Asian Development Foundation College so that the submission and viewing of grades would be much easier. It is far more convenient for a student to visit a website of their school and is able to view their grades through online without any hassle. Moreover, it is very less stressing for the teachers to just input the grades of the students through online without computing manually. So if an Online Grading System for Asian Development Foundation College would be developed, then the process of submitting the grades of the students by the teachers would be easier and less stressing. Because the teachers will not have to compute manually anymore, the Online System will be the one to compute the grades once inputted. And the students of Asian Development Foundation College will be able to see their grades through online. Statement of the problem The proposed Online Grading System is exclusively designed for Asian Development Foundation College Tacloban city. It aims to answer the following: 1. What are the problems encountered by the respondents on the present Grading System of Asian Development Foundation College(High School Department)? 2. What system will be proposed to lessen the problems with regards to the Grading System of the institution? 3. What are the inputs needed to develop an Online Grading System of the Aforementioned institution? 4. What are the assessment of the respondents on the developed Online Grading System of in terms of: a. Contents? b. Usefulness? Theoretical Framework As saying knowledge is power. Gagne suggest that learning tasks for intellectual skills can be organized in a hierarchy according to complexity: procedure following, the use of terminology, discriminations, concepts formation, rule application and problem solving. The primary significance of the hierarchy is to identify prerequisites that should be complete to facilitate learning at each level. Doing a task analysis of learning and training task identifies prerequisites. Learning hierarchies provide a basis for the sequencing of instruction. Learning strategies refer to methods that students use to learn. These ranges from techniques for improved memory to better studying. The method of logic is a classic memory improvement techniques, it involves in making associations between facts to be remembered in a particular location. In order to remember you have to visualize place and associated facts. Some learning strategy involves changes to the design of the instruction. For example, the use questions before, during or after instruction has been shown to increase the degree of learning that occurred have called â€Å"mathemagenic†. Information Processing Theory, this concept of information processing states that this theory is primarily concerned with the study of memory and on the evaluation of information. Like computer the human mind takes in information and performs operation when needed and retrieval. Having accurate information in conducting the study will help in the process evaluation primary concern. The researchers in getting information to their pilot area that will be needed as the study continues have applied the theory2. Constructivism Theory views that knowledge is not about the world but rather constitutive of the world. Knowledge is not a fixed about the individual through his practice of the object constructs it. A person who has the exact knowledge of a certain activity is so much important. When people work collaboratively in an authentic activity they bring their own framework and perspective to the activity. They can see the problems form different perspective and are able to negotiate and generate meaning and solution through shared understanding3. Elaboration Theory of Instruction deals with the macro level of instruction. It is primarily concerned with the sequencing of ideas as opposed to the individual ideas themselves and examples relating to them. The sequencing of ideas relates to fundamental and representational ideas or core principles. This theory serves as foundation from which more specific maybe developed. This is applicable to the researchers study because this ideas with the analyzing of the program4. Conceptual Framework The basis for conceptualizing the Online Grading System of Asian Development Foundation College which is proposed by the researchers is that it can help envision the path that the aforementioned system would be heading to.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Personal Values and Ethics Essay

Those people and things I value most is God, my recovery, self, respect, family, education, career, freedom, friends, community, and finance. For me, these people and things are desirable and important. However, there are times when those things and people cause dilemma in my life, and when I neglect to attend to them, especially when it is those values concerning family, friends, and community, I develop this personal conflict. One thing I have learned to value most is my personal relationship with my Higher Power whom I chose to call â€Å"God. While in active addiction I did all types of horrible things that I should have lost my life for. However, God kept me safe and healthy throughout my entire time in active addiction. For instance, there were times when I would be coming down off a multi-month drug binge and was hungry, but I was too week from the large amounts of drug intake to go find food. My Higher power always came through for me and provided me with the much needed nourishment for my body. Once my mind started to clear, I was could see how my Higher Power had been keeping and carrying me and learned to appreciate and value Him a great deal. Because of my past active addiction, other than drugs I have not always known what I valued. In fact, there was a time when I did not value myself, anything, or anyone. Since being in recovery I have learned to value me, other people, and things. I think that what shaped my values most is my being forced to honestly work a 12-step, self-help program and actively participate in the recovery fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous (N. A. ). In the rooms of N. A I was able to find me and my truths, and this provided me this strong desire to seek personal change and find a new productive way of living life. Acquiring this strong desire for lifestyle changes and seeking it in this fellowship, I was forced to involve myself with people who are free of drugs, living a N. A. Program way of life, and had significant clean time. It was these individuals who molded, helped, and shaped me to develop a sense of self. These new people in my life loved me until I learned to love myself, and this provided the opportunity for me to learn to value me and those people and things in my life at the time. As I continue to fight for my recovery, and as time go by, I noticed that over the years those people and things I value most changes on some level, and honestly working a program has provided me a much better quality of life. For this I have developed this great value for the program of Narcotics Anonymous and its members. Early in my recovery I lived with and in a lot of guilt. At that time, the only thing I had learned to somewhat value was I, and I had done and caused so much damage in my life. This led to my having to deal with a lot dilemma’s that lead to a lot of convictions, and as a result of these convictions, I began to value myself more. Because of this I was later able to appreciate me and not do anything else that could bring potential danger in my personal life and would make me feel worse than I was feeling. Since being in recovery with significant clean time, the level of how much I value people and things has changed. I think that by my incorporating the principles of the 12-steps in my personal life effects my approach and outlook to life. In honestly working these steps I am forced to look at both me and how I am interacting with society. As a result I find that I appreciate people and things more and have come to value them more. I value my family a great deal, especially my immediate family, e. g. , my mom, sister, brother, stepfather, guide mother, and guide sisters. They are always there for me no matter what or how bad I or it had gotten. I did not call often for help, but when I did my family was there to love and support me in any way they could. Today, they are right here on the side lines cheering me on, and they show their appreciation for my new way of life through each of their actions. As a result I have built some wonderful relationships with my family and, I have learned to value and appreciate those relationships a great deal. While facing one of my many horrible consequences I made the best decision, I could have ever made. This was the decision to go back to school to earn my GED. Because of my consistent good accomplishments in school it provided me this great since of appreciation for school and at some point I began to value education a great deal. Today I still value education and although I am facing many dilemmas in my life that, causing conflict with this value, I still push myself to accomplish my education goal. I think that going to prison is something that helped me establish a great value for my freedom. It was not a good feeling being locked up in a small cage like some animal. Neither did it feel good to have others tell me when to sleep, eat, bath, etc. While in prison I was forced to be alone with me and learn how to be in a relationship with me. As a result my sense of self multiplied, and it was the first time that I felt this sense of personal value. Although I had lost the ability to do so I have always valued work and establishing a career. This is one value that was instilled in me from my mother. I watch her work day in and day out to provide for and take care of us. Due to my being raised in a neighborhood where many of the children’s parents did not work I took great pride in and valued the fact that my mom had a job. Not just a job but a job that allowed here to give me and my sister most of the things we wanted. Watching my mom work instilled in me a desire to work as well. Once I started to work, how I valued working changed because I was now getting a check. Making money from work provided me this very strong value and desire for both work and money, and it also confirmed for me that working a job was the only way I could make money, thus being able to take care of me and make it in this world independently. Here recently I have come to value friends and community. I guess that this is due to my having established some healthy relationships that I appreciate and desire versus the those that I was accustomed to in my past and resented. Today, I am well liked and respected by personal friends and people in my community, and this provides me a sense of belonging and being apart. An ethical dilemma I had little difficult with was one that happened when I was working as a case manager at this Social Service Agency. There was a female client who came into the office seeking rental assistance services. During the assessments it was learned that she had participated in another rental assistance program through another agency six months prior. Due to the agency being in relationship with this agency, through Memorandum of Understanding, our office was able to call their office and provide and get information about this young lady participation in their program. After contacting the partnering agency it was learned that the client had participated in another rental assistance program four months prior to receiving services there. As a result it was believed that the client was abusing the rental assistance programs and funds in the area and was denied services. This did not cause much conflict with my personal values because this client was abusing the system. I know of many people who could really use, need, and deserve the assistance and here this lady is abusing it. I wanted to be angry with her and sabotage her file so she could not ever receive any kind of services from the agency again, but I knew this would be unethical practice and I did not do it. I felt that this client deserved to be denied for assistance; however, many of the staff including myself argued that contacting these external agencies about the case, and providing information about the client was in violation of the client’s confidentiality rights. I think that this lady and others like her needed to be stopped, and the rental assistance program funds needs to be protected from abusers like this client. I think that I would have a lot of ethical dilemmas if I worked with the Department of Corrections (DOC) population, especially if I am employed in their health care/treatment system. I tend to believe that many of the individuals in this population do not want treatment and would refuse it if they could. DOC forces many individuals in their population to participate in treatments that he or she do not really understand and really have no interest in understanding. In fact, it is almost unheard of for inmates within the Department of Corrections to receive an informed consent prior to receiving various treatments or services. In most cases the health care department calls the inmate over and tells him or her what is going to be done and walks away without any further information until it is time to provide the treatment or service. This causes a dilemma for me because I believe that everybody, including prison inmates, should be entitled to the same privileges and freedoms when receiving treatment in prison. He or she should be provided an informed consent and allowed the opportunity to volunteer for services or treatment. There are some things that I desire and feel are important to me, e. g. , God, my recovery, self, respect, family, education, career, etc. Due to convictions that result from the desires to and importance of these people and things, I must sometimes deal with personal conflicts. Over the years, I have learned to value my relationship with God. God is at the top of my value list because he has done so much in keeping me. Today, I value myself a great deal. When I do not attend to my personal needs I feel this great sense of conviction and I think this result from my involvement with the Narcotics Anonymous program. I value the N. A. program because it and its members has provided me a new way of life at a greater quality.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Legalization of Marijuana Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Legalization of Marijuana - Research Paper Example The prohibition of marijuana came in 1937 when the state declared its consumption illegal (Havelka 1). Since its prohibition, related cases of marijuana consumption continue to dominate the law enforcement sector and victims who break the law face the justice system. The question as to whether the drug should be legal draws considerable support and disregard from a range of diplomatic, social, economic and health grounds. In the contemporary society, legalization of marijuana would form a fair ground in the end of the debate. The apparent anticipation by a number of individuals of the possibility of an increase in marijuana consumption upon its legalization does not form a credible reason to oppose the debate. Since the illegalization of marijuana, the numbers of people who consume it continue to rise and increase. An increase in the number of consumers of marijuana, according to records by the law enforcement sector, is an indispensable reality. Partly, the elevating number of marij uana users emanates from the illegality of its consumption since the illegality strikes the urge from many people, the youth especially, to try out its use. There are several theories that suggest that illegalizing drug use and its prohibition boost the usage, on the contrary. The ban on alcohol use, for instance, eradicated a considerable resource of revenues taxes from the government and increased the spending of government to impose the laws. These are applicable in the use of marijuana, given its prohibition. Legalization of marijuana, therefore, would eliminate the psychological effect that strikes the youth to try out its use. Legalization would lower the number of new addicts of marijuana and its consumption and abuse. It is, therefore, viable and logical to legalize marijuana in the contemporary society as a means to reduce the number of new addicts and users, especially among the youths. The fight against drug and substance abuse is an evidently expensive engagement for a n umber of governments. It involves the enforcement of the law that prohibits the conduct. There is an increase in the expenses in the judicial system to execute cases of marijuana sales victims and those who consume the drug. The various expenses used shall considerably reduce with the legalization of marijuana. Besides reducing the expenses used to ensure no marijuana use, legalizing marijuana in would serve as a source of revenues. Tax imposed on marijuana can help in boosting the amount of revenue collected by the country. The sales of marijuana with its legalization would increase job opportunities. Increased job opportunities have a vital contribution in ensuring a stable economic condition of a country. It would turn advantageous to legalize marijuana use given the role it would play in contributing to an improved economic condition. Ensuring a healthy population is a key role of every government. Drug and substance abuse is detrimental to the health of the population that the government has the mandate to protect. Government health officials rarely test illegal drugs for their safety when consumed by the citizens since they are sold through unaccepted means. Illegal sales of drugs render the health of the public at stake since the drugs do not pass health tests. Legalization of marijuana would see an enactment of laws that will have provisions on heath standards consideration for its sales. This will improve the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Personal Responsibility Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Personal Responsibility - Annotated Bibliography Example The information gathered from the book strengthened the essay because it provides a good base to start writing upon the topic. The research paper aims to estimate the percentage of the public high school class students having the minimum qualification to apply for four year college. The study found that 70% of the high school students succeed to get admissions in the colleges whereas around 30% fail to do so. The study also provides data with regard to ethnic and demographic classification and concludes that no large population fail to access the college education as most of them for admissions in the colleges. While exploring the issue, the author focuses upon the attitude of students towards personal responsibly that eventually affected their overall progress at schools. The source is found relevant and reliable because it discusses the issue with the help of primary research work. The information from the study strengthens the essay because it affirms the link between persona responsibility and success in education. The blog explores the issues associated with dropout rate of the college students and strives to identify the factors behind it. The blog identifies the reasons that compel the students to leave college and school and insists that college dropout rate is point of concern for the entire society because it ultimately affects the labour market and overall economic condition of the nation. The bold also affirms that personal responsibility keeps the students near to their educational targets and lack of awareness about personal responsibility often prevent the students from gaining success at school and colleges. The source has been found very relevant and reliable source for the essay because it links the personal responsibility with the outcomes at educational level and proves the point with the help of data and different research studies. The

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Grammar and Composition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Grammar and Composition - Essay Example Drafting - Organization Sheet Three-Step Format for Thesis Statement: Specific Support for Paragraph #1: Experience with test Specific Support for Paragraph #2: Experience with professors Specific Support for Paragraph #3: Experience with paper work Drafting - Organization Sheet Thesis Statement with Three-Step Format: I am me because of the valuable lessons and choices that I have made and learned through my tests, my professors, and my papers. Drafting - Organization Sheet Introduction - reader's attention and states thesis statement Paragraph #1 But the drive to learn should exist in all of us nevertheless Drafting - Organization Sheet The last sentence of the first paragraph And yes, it is a conscious effort on my part to go through all of these experiences. Drafting - Organization Sheet Paragraph #2 (first point of your thesis) I wasn’t born good in math Drafting - Organization Sheet Paragraph #3 (second point of your thesis) A certain professor while teaching me about th e important of sacrifice, studying and success, stated that students learn at different rates. Paragraph #4 a.) Explain how the third point is developed in this paragraph. The third point is about how I did my essays and term papers. b.) What is good about this paragraph? What is good about this paragraph is the way it is written- it has than already enlightened tone in contrast to the second paragraph where the tone sounds dreary. c.) How could this paragraph be improved? Drafting - Organization Sheet Paragraph #5 (conclusion) In the end, what makes each of us really different is our choice to always have the drive to improve, to learn and to surpass oneself. Drafting - Organization Sheet The last sentence (End with a clincher) I choose to be me and that in the world makes all the difference. (wordplay) Five-Paragraph Essay Revision Sheet Paragrap

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Heart of Darkness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Heart of Darkness - Essay Example As he travelled from the Outer Station to the Central Station and then up the river to the Inner Station, he saw torture, cruelty, and near-slavery. The men who work for the Company, saying that what they were doing as â€Å"trade,† and their behavior towards native Africans as part of the civilizing process, were making those "ignorant African people" stop their horrid, barbaric ways. Kurtz is the symbol of European imperialism in the story. His vicious honesty led him to his end, as the evil practices of Europeans in Africa were in danger of exposure through his accomplishment. He is did not hide the fact that he took ivory by force and treated the natives with violence and intimidation. He represented imperialism in its entirety in Africa. Kurtz’s greed for ivory represented Europe’s desire for the whole world. This greed made him the animal that Marlow found. Kurtz is imperialism and his life in the Congo represented imperialism and the eventual destruction E uropean imperialism itself. On page 14 of Part 3, Conrad described Kurt as the imperialist he had been. â€Å"I thought his memory was like the other memories of the dead that accumulate in every man’s life—a vague impress on the brain of shadows that had fallen on it in their swift and final passage; but before the high and ponderous door, between the tall houses of a street as still and decorous as a well-kept alley in a cemetery, I had a vision of him on the stretcher, opening his mouth voraciously, as if to devour all the earth with all its mankind. He lived then before me; he lived as much as he had ever lived—a shadow insatiable of splendid appearances, of frightful realities; a shadow darker than the shadow of the night, and draped nobly in the folds of a gorgeous eloquence†. The vision of Kurt in the stretcher opening his mouth voraciously as if to devour all the earth and all its mankind signified the torture, cruelty, intimidation, violence and insatiable greed that come with the process of â€Å"civilizing† the natives by imperialists, the ultimate goal of having the world in their hands. In this sense, Kurtz's personality was a symbol of the imperial goal of Europe. There is a striking similarity between the history book King Leopold's Ghost, by Adam Hochschild and Conrad’s the Heart of Darkness. It seems that Leon Rom of the Force Republique was the equivalent of Kurtz character. The collection of African heads surrounding Kurtz's house, and Rom’s collections, represent the villainy of both characters. Adam Hochschild, in his book said the following: The 'Inner Station' of Heart of Darkness, the place Marlow looks at through his binoculars only to find Kurtz's collection of the shrunken heads of African 'rebels,' is loosely based on Stanley Falls. In 1895, five years after Conrad visited this post, Leon Rom was station chief there. A British explorer-journalist who passed through Stanley Falls that year described the aftermath of a punitive military expedition against some African rebels: 'Many women and children were taken, and twenty-one heads were brought to the falls, and have been used by Captain Rom as a decoration round a flower-bed in front of his house! If Conrad missed this account, which appeared in the widely read Century Magazine, he almost certainly noticed when The Saturday Review, a magazine he admired and read faithfully,

Profational writing sample Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Profational writing sample - Essay Example The above strengths enable me to develop results focused plans, multitask, communicate and listen, make sound decisions firs, delegate tasks, help other when they need me, and have a positive outlook. The traits that were identified and appeared relevant to my career choice include critical thinking, approachable, credibility, results oriented, and persuasiveness. The above traits have always enabled me relate appropriately with people from diverse groups and with varying opinions. From the reports I got, I realized I possess skills such as supervisory skills since I can manage others in a group. Other skills included ability to lead and motivate others, good analytical skills and ability to plan. A combination of the above skills, strength, and traits suggested that I would fit in careers that require me to deal with people, one of which is being a human resource manager. 2) Given the career goals you hope to achieve by completing your degree, which of these categories would you find most helpful in gaining the knowledge that would be most useful to your future career success? Explain why and how in as much detail as possible After completing my degree my goal is to become a human resource manager and I will be required to conduct activities covered in this course and include Strategic HR Management, creating Equal Employment Opportunity, Staffing, Talent Management and Development, Total Rewards, Risk Management and Worker Protection, and Employee as well as Labor Relations. From the above activities, the most helpful to my career as a human resource manager is strategic human resource management. Strategic human resource management (SHRM) entails creating a link between overall strategic aims of an organization and the human resource strategy as well as implementation of the strategies. Therefore, SHRM is universal and enables human resource

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Dental education in United States especially University of minnesota Research Paper

Dental education in United States especially University of minnesota - Research Paper Example According to this work, Hayden was born in a military family with most of the members of his family serving as honorable military personnel. In fact, it is documented that one of his ancestors served as a captain in the Pequot war for a whole lifetime. Haydens first career was architecture but after taking a vacation in New York and visiting Dr. Greenwood, he changed his vocation to dentistry. He then moved back to Baltimore and established a dental office or clinic treating patients with dental problems within his reach. At the start, dentistry was majorly learnt through the mediocre preceptorial system that made it look like a mechanical process instead of the science that it was. Despite the existence of a national dentistry union in the United States, many of the practitioners were not treated as members of an organized profession. In fact from the start, the members of the profession were subjected to a treatment that focused on the viability of the profession. As a result, the training on the profession experienced a number of challenges that were based on the admission of the profession to the field of medicine. In this paper, while examining the history of dentistry education in the United States, also explores the fact that the establishment of dental education was marred with an infinitive link between the subject and medical education. As such the difference caused a rift that would shape the acceptance of the practice and education of the same. Thesis: the establishment of various state legislations and provisions within law led to the recognition of dentistry in the education system and medical fraternity. The introduction of dental studies and its origins in Maryland and the influence of the British nationals, therefore, has a special relation. The British threat of Baltimore in 1813 made Hayden enlist as a private in the army commanded by Captain Christian Anderson within the Maryland

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The culture of an international non-profit organisation Essay

The culture of an international non-profit organisation - Essay Example This essay using the cultural web analyzes the culture of a non-profit (referred to here as Company X). Company X is a not-for-profit organisation founded in 1981 in the United States as a charity aimed at improving the lives of children and families. Over its 20 years the company’s mission has narrowed to or become more specific targeting early childhood care and education, children’s rights and grassroots community development. Company X is currently headquartered in California in the United States but has a presence in five continents as follows: Africa – Kenya, Zimbabwe and Ghana; Asia – India and Nepal; Europe – Norway, South America – Chile and North America – the U.S. Company X primarily obtains its operating resources from individual and corporate donations predominantly from within the US. To supplement this funding, Company X owns and runs two exclusive pre-schools in California that boast of an enviable waitlist as well as f our other high cost pre-schools in the same state. Over and above this, the non-profit has offered and continues to offer consultancy services on early childhood care and education at very competitive rates to other non-profits, for-profit corporations and even governments such as the government of Singapore, Ecuador and even the state of California as another source of funding. The local chapters in Africa and Asia have wholly been dependent on obtaining slices of the US funding â€Å"pie† to sustain their programs. ... To supplement this funding, Company X owns and runs two exclusive pre-schools in California that boast of an enviable waitlist as well as four other high cost pre-schools in the same state. Over and above this, the non-profit has offered and continues to offer consultancy services on early childhood care and education at very competitive rates to other non-profits, for-profit corporations and even governments such as the government of Singapore, Ecuador and even the state of California as another source of funding. The local chapters in Africa and Asia have wholly been dependent on obtaining slices of the US funding â€Å"pie† to sustain their programs. However, with the global recession of 2008 hitting the US funding base, Company X has been pushing for heads of its global chapters to source for local funding to sustain their programs. Company X has been implementing this slowly over the last three years through activities such as the following. First it has instituted greate r controls, monitoring and reporting over all funds disbursed. Then it demanded that each chapter develop their own five year strategic plan which will show how they will increasingly source their own funding. Thirdly, from 2009 Company X reduced its funding by 10 to 15 per cent depending on their projections over which local chapters had better odds of fundraising depending on the economic condition of that host country. The problem though is that to date none has successfully fundraised. With the economies of Europe and America, poor for the former and sluggish for the latter, the typical donors that Company X relied on have tightened their purses as they cautiously weigh their own investments. This coupled with the rising economies of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Examine and explain the contrasting principles unerpinning the Essay

Examine and explain the contrasting principles unerpinning the organisational structures and practices of the French communist and socialist parties in the 1970's - Essay Example During the 1980s the Socialist Party became the party of the Left in France, electing Francois Mitterrand to two terms during that time. In order to explain these developments one must look to the previous decade for the social, political, and organizational practices and beliefs that facilitated this change in the ideological left in France. An examination of the theoretical and ideological apparatuses that precipitated this political shift along with a presentation of cultural and political events that led to a realignment of political strategies of the two parties will be followed by an inquiry into the organizational and leadership practices and beliefs of the two groups. The subsequent analysis of the ebb and flow of the respective fortunes of the PS and PCF should reveal that the Political Left in France has operated under a "Coalition as Rivalry"2 paradigm to the ultimate benefit of the PS and the seemingly irrecoverable detriment of the PCF. Forming out of the Section Francaise de Ilnternationale Ouvriere (SFIO) in 1905, the Socialist Party was cobbled together with an uneasy mix of Marxists, members of workers parties, revolutionaries and reformists.3 The uneasiness of this arrangement eventually led to a splintering of the "feeble" alliance and at the 1920 Congress of Tour, what was to become the PCF was formed.4 The rather hard ideological line of the PCF illustrated by the slogan, "sovietization à ¡ outrance" is indicative of the affiliation that French Communists had at the time with Soviet Politburo.5 The Socialists and Communists did briefly come together in an unofficial capacity, along with the radicals in a mid-1930s movement known as the Popular Front. That coalition was interrupted by WWII. After WWII, much of the left was united against Gaullism though nevertheless splintered over the issue of Algerian Independence. The start of the Fifth Republic saw perpetuation of the orthodox

Monday, July 22, 2019

Preferential Treatment for Disabled Veterans Essay Example for Free

Preferential Treatment for Disabled Veterans Essay The Disabled Veteran Affirmative Action Plan requires that special steps be taken when recruiting disabled veterans. The DVAAP requires that the federal government award three percent of all federals contracts to disabled veterans. The Disabled Veteran Affirmative Action Plan requires that disabled veterans must be hired if they are able to work and willing. This affirmative action requires that there should be promotion of maximum of employment and job opportunities for disabled veterans within the federal government. This therefore supports the argument that disable veterans should get preferential treatment than other veterans who are not disabled. This act defines a disabled veteran as the veteran who has the right to receive compensation under the laws administered by VA. It also defines a veteran as a person who was released from duty due to a service connection disability. The DVAAP program aims to raise the number of disabled veterans in profession positions through interval jobs advancement opportunities. It also focus on increasing the number of disabled veterans in technical position through recruitments DVAAP seeks to promote efforts that ensures disabled veterans are included in recruitment efforts. (Sowell, 2004).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Disabled veterans are accorded preferential treatment than other veterans who are not disabled because, the DVAAP act dictates that are all state agencies and institutions increase employment opportunities fro disabled veterans. The veteran’s affairs department advocates nard for assistance to be granted to veterans owned small businesses. The federal regulations for disabled veterans provide that employments should not request self identities during recruitment opportunities. Veterans must not identify their disability status before they have been offered a job. On many occasions, disabled veterans, even when willing to work and qualified, are shut of the workforce due to the discrimination. The federal law provides that preferential treatment be given to veterans seeking employment. The law ensures that the disabled veterans on a preferential basis, the full employment services presented by law. Disabled veterans should be provided with intensive employment and training services to prepare them accordingly for the jobs. Affirmative Action for women and minority   Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Affirmative action for women and minority is established with an attempt to redistribute economic power equally by ensuring that employers give preference to women and minorities during recruitments. Affirmative action is a plan initiated to remedy any cases of discriminating behavior that have occurred in an institution in the past. Affirmative action gives preferential to women through a range of measures such as lower scores for test for jobs or recruitment procedures. Due to the long history of discrimination cases occurring based on race and sex, affirmative action programs have been initiated and directed towards women and minorities. This has been done to promote recruitment, retention, promotion and educational opportunities accorded to women and minority. (Charles J Muhl.). Strategies used in affirmative action programmes are focused on expanding the pool of job or admission applicants. This can be done through using strategies that reach outside the traditional channels set especially by placing employment notices in areas where the women and minorities will easily see them. Affirmative action programs are increasing on the job training opportunities that encourage occupation mobility within the workplace. Affirmative Action Programs for women and minority have been instituted and granted the force of law. Affirmative actions for women and minority in employment were implemented to prohibit discrimination by employers based on sex. Women should be accorded equal opportunities just like their male counterparts. The affirmative action for women and minorities addresses issues such as prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace, recruitment and hiring methods, discrimination complaints and promotions.      Ã‚  The federal law requires that institutions determine whether women and minorities are being underutilized in their companies. If this is the case, companies must take steps to correct this situation, especially through the use of recruitment and outreach programs and also put more emphasize on eliminating barriers that hinder equal employment opportunities. Institution managers and supervisors must ensure that steps are taken to ensure women and minorities are aware of available job opportunities. Women and minority groups must be given full and fair consideration based on their abilities and qualifications. Due to the discrimination of women and minorities in the learning centers, affirmative action programs have been initiated to ensure that these groups are accorded equal opportunities in the education system. This also ensures that trained women and minority are included in the hiring and promotional activities. Affirmative action for women and minorities ensure that qualified women and minorities are included in the candidates’ pool. (Ball, Haque, 2003). Affirmative Action Arguments   Ã‚   Based on the affirmative action, three arguments have been offered, which include social good also known as the utilitarian consideration, compensatory justice referred to as deontological theory and the ideal of equality. The social good, states that the society will benefit more by initiating programs that enrich and empower women. By advancing women, the society is required to offer employment opportunities to women and minorities based on their qualifications. However, this affirmative action has led to more qualified men being left out of job opportunities in order to promote women who are even less qualified. As a result, institutions are using the quota system instead of the merit system to allocate jobs. Many people have argued that this system has promoted less qualified candidates and left out the more qualified candidates. Affirmative action therefore creates a big wedge between individual worth and economic success. This is evidence enough that the quota system does not benefit the society. Women who succeed in their companies are not accorded the respect they deserve. This is because many people claim that the women succeed due to preferential treatment policies that are directed to the women and minority. The implementation of affirmative action created a bad tradition in the workplace, whereby employers are quick to promote women without qualification or place them in inappropriate job positions so as to meet the affirmative action requirements. By doing this, employers put women and minorities at a higher risk of failing in their jobs and their after lay the blame on their sex, race and preferential treatment policies. (Gilbert, Stead, Ivancevich, 1999).   Ã‚  Ã‚   The compensatory justice argument, also known as deontological theory, claims that if a person causes injury to someone else they should remedy the damage. Affirmative action claims that even the descendants of the injured person should be compensated as well. Objections to this argument state that those individuals being compensated are not victims in any way and those being forced to pay the compensation have not done any wrong. Those objecting to this argument claim that since some minority groups have been subjected to historical prejudice previously, this has been used to classify all low earning groups as victims of injustice. This argument claims that since women have been victims of prejudice and discrimination in the employment and education sectors, they should be given preferential treatment when recruiting, training or hiring.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The ideal of equality is the most common moral argument for affirmative action programs. Under this argument women and minority groups should be accorded equal treatment and rights just like men and other groups. Under law employers must not use discriminatory biases such as gender, race, or national origin to hire or recruit candidates. However, some government agencies and constitutions have implemented policies that oppress both the women and minorities. Some government policies restrict the employment of certain groups especially women and people of color in certain job categories. The main objection of this argument is that equality means that everyone should be granted equal treatment and not being given priviledges. Most women advocating for equal treatment, are actually advocating for priviledges in employment opportunities. (Allen, 2003).   Ã‚   In the compensatory justice argument, both men and women should be given justice because; all human beings should be given what they individually deserve. Men should be given employment opportunities just like women. According to the deontological theory, the rightness of the means justifies the action. According to this, both men and women should be accorded their rights equally. Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚   Disabled veteran affirmative action program is a way of promoting the lives of disabled veterans released from active duty due to service disability, by ensuring they get equal employment opportunities like other veterans who are not disabled. Affirmative action for women and minorities on the other hand, seeks to promote women and minority groups at the expense of other qualified candidates. Affirmative action for women has led to the employment of women with less qualification at the expense of more qualified men. Affirmative action for women and minorities, to some extent, does not promote race or gender equality. However, the Disabled Veteran Affirmative Action Program promotes equality among all veterans, whether disabled or not disabled. References Allen, R. (2003). Examining the implementation of affirmative action in law enforcement. Public Personnel Management, 32(3), 411. Ball, C., Haque, A. (2003). Diversity in religious practice: Implications of Islamic values in the public workplace. Public Personnel Management, 32(3), 315. Charles J Muhl. Monthly Labor Review. Washington: Jan 1999. Vol. 122, Iss. 1; p. 48 (2 pages). Gilbert, J.A., Stead, B.A., Ivancevich, J.M. (1999). Diversity management: A new organizational paradigm. Journal of Business Ethics, 21(1), 61-76. Sowell, T. (2004). Affirmative Action around the World: An Empirical Study. Yale University Press.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Performance Management At The Starbucks Commerce Essay

The Performance Management At The Starbucks Commerce Essay Mr. Schultz with few investors bought Starbucks in the year 1987. In 1992 Starbucks decided to go public to achieve rapid expansion. The results of making the company public were great; it helped raise $25 million and took the growth rate at 40% to 60. Stratbucks had launched around 5000 outlets by year 2000. Averages of three new stores were being opened each day. At this time 20 million customers were being served by Starbucks. As the company had gone public sales and profits climbed at a rate of 45 to 55%. As the company expanded position of Chairman of board was retained by MR. Schultz while MR. Orin Smith became the CEO. Department of research and development was introduced. Versimo espresso machines and drive troughs were introduced in order to increase operations efficiency. Post of CEO was taken over by Mr. Jim Donald in the year 2005. Immense increase in sales was experienced in his era as the range of products was increased by him. Oven warmed breakfast sandwich, movies and books were added. The characteristics of Starbucks are as follows: Characteristics of Starbucks 1: Setting functional goals to achieve strategic objectives Knowing the distinction between corporate strategy and business strategy is very significant in order to respond to the questions mentioned above. Corporate strategy Issues related to the market in which the market wants to compete or would compete in future are dealt with corporate strategy. The main concern of the strategy is mission, aim and on the whole degree of the organisation. Business Strategy Strategies associated to making a business prosper in a specific market are known as Business strategy. An alternate name for business strategy can be Competitive strategy. The main objective behind the strategy is to be in a situation where organisation has competitive advantage over its opposition in the market by cost leadership or differentiation. Integration, Acquisition and Mergers related benefits achieved by Starbucks Benefits attained by using vertical Integration (backward or forward integration) strategy were: As a result of direct contact with the targeted market, significant environmental knowledge of market is gathered. This enables to make early adjustments to avoid loss. Higher profits can achieve as they are being a buyer and supplier. Sp some section of this value can be delivered to customers. Need for much more capital to enter the market will increase the entry barriers for potential oppositions as a result of vertical integration. Impact of decentralization, separate profit units on Starbucks Diversified business units will have less cooperation between each others. Transaction cost might not be saved as divisional publishing units have to achieve minimum profit % set by corporate management to remain in the Starbucks. Responsibility of their divisional business is not being taken by higher management willingly. Tax in result of stock transfer by internet is being saved. Business and corporate goals would lack alignment. core competencies cannot increase for different businesses Available tools and techniques to set team performance objectives Motivation is most important thing. Motivation can be categorized as a process which develops a desire that people have to work well and achieve the goals. In order to have increased and constant high performance from a worker, it is important to keep the workforce motivated as it is the main aspect of performance. Motivation can be in financial or non financial forms, it is important to apply different theories and figure out which works out the best. In Abraham Maslows theory, he has divided human needs into five types. He then further developed it into a heirchy of needs pyramid, in which needs are aligned in order. According to him all the five human desires have to be fulfilled, to uphold or boost stimulus levels.. Following picture shows hierarchy of the needs: Till year 2000 which was Mr. Schultz era, he managed to attend all the needs lined up in hierarchy. Evidences are provided in the chart below: Source: (Suhomlinova, 2008) Maslows theory was truely adopted by Mr. Schultz in his era. He managed to maintain high levels of job satisfaction level with consistency among the partners. This is proved by 70% staff turnover, which was a result of very satisfied partners. Whereas at the same time other food industries were experiencing 300% staff turnover. After Mr. Schultz period deviations from Maslows theory was observed. Orion Smith denied paying for the overtime, he also neglected health and safety as injuries related to work were not paid for. Partners autonomy was reduced in the operations by the introduction of espresso machines. Job complexity got worse when later Mr. Donald introduction of oven warmed sandwiches resulted in little stimulus and job contentment levels. Latham and Lockes theories about setting goals indicates that if goals are set wisely, it can boost up the motivation levels leading to higher levels of job satisfaction and performance. Set goals must be SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time based). Every member of the organisation should agree with the goals set up and should work toward achieving it. Before 2000 under Mr. Schultz leadership organisations aim was to originate a 3rd place if all the partners agreed on it and was acceptable to them. After 2000 with the change of leadership t he goals also changed. The goal was to open as many outlets as possible. The partners were not told of the new goals and strategies which were mainly made to boost up the rapid expansion. All the goals and policy making was done at the top and partners were unaware of it. Moving at a rapid growth rate it seemed unrealistic to maintain customer experience. According to expectancy theory of Vroom the work force will put forward extra effort and hard work when they are aware that their hard work will be praised and rewarded. Expectancy theory is most effective when an enormous organizational change is arising e.g. in this case when espresso machines were installed this theory can be applied to get desired results as some people will not feel comfortable to work with machines as they enjoy doing all the steps of coffee making in a relax pace while talking to customers at the same time. Equity theory tells us that the employees judge the fairness of the distribution of rewards by comparing it to the other co-workers rewards. If the employee making the caparison gets to the conclusion that he is under rewarded, it may result in low motivational and performance levels. Frustration can also arise if the employee is being under rewarded. Increasing number of organisations were understanding the importance of keeping the workforce happy for staff retention and better performance. The job complexity was increasing with the expanding number of stores, sales and products. Due to the increased burden the partners started to feel that the organization is not caring for them, in fact day by day the burden of work was increasing and they had to work very hard to get rewards. The Value of Team Performance Tools to Measure Future Team Performance In 1980 Hackman and Oldham defined 5 features of a good job design; they defined the 5 characteristics as skill variant, test identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback. Skill variety was reduced by the installation of espresso machines as the step which involved coffee making, now were different due to machines input. Machines have the massive on the way people perform their jobs, machines bring standardisation and people start depending upon them. The element of people skill was reduced which starbucks was originally hired on with the introduction of espresso machines and growing amount of work load. Socialisation and emotional aspect was missing with the new policies there is no time to speak to customers or colleagues. Usually partners took help from each other, when there was a work load, currently machines can put up with it. Machines do not have any emotions associated to them, people think that they are controlling the machines but in reality they are being controlled by machines as they have to work according to the machines and cope up with its speed. Previously their partners were solely acknowledged by the complimentary feedback from customers as they were involved in the steps of making coffee. Now the appreciation is divided as machine is involved and people think at times that major part of the job is performed by the machine. All the discussion above is almost contradicting Hackman and Oldmans theory thus, resulting is low job satisfaction To make the experience uplifting for the customers these are the main 3 gears of Starbucks branding strategy. Under the leadership of Mr.Dnonald and Mr.Smith clearly all the components mentioned above were losing strength. Reduced personalisation and very little time to communicate and socialise with the customers was the result of espresso machines. The atmosphere standards were being destroyed by the development of drive through as fewer soft chairs and carpeting, as a result of this service is also dropping because 80% of Starbucks coffee is consumed outside stores. In todays market its very significant to created competitive advantage, this can be achieved then product differliation composed to competitions. This is important as many subsidies are present in market this differentiation will make their product sell over others. At very early stages Starbucks adopted the relationship marketing approach. Under the leadership of Mr.Schultz. Today under the leadership of Mr.Donald and Mr.Smith Starbuck is practicing the philosophy of early 19th century. The brand is being ruined by this policy as strategy of horizontal diversification is being used for growth. Early 19th century related production concept is being followed when the imagination of organisations was that as they produce quality products at affordable rates the customers will favour them. in the mid 1920s the selling concept came in, according to which sales targets were to be achieved by aggressive promotion. In the early 1950s the marketing concept also came in. The concept stated to manufacture goods according to the demand and taste of customer. In 1990s the relationship marketing era started. This concept was that apart from producing products according to the. Customers likely and demand, it was also important to maintain long term relation with its satisfied customer. The factors discussed above mention that the starbucks was going backward in the world of marketing after 2000.This is shown by the diagram, illustrated above. Starbucks unique and rich culture is the reason behind its success. A lot of respect is given to its employees calling them partners and using ceo as a substitute of CEO. The achievements of the partner is appreciated by the organisation in the form of norms Warm regard, Mug, Bravo and sprit of starbucks. To achieve customer satisfaction Starbucks feel that it is important to satisfying their staff .Work force variety create environment for a lot of fresh ideas and culture of different sort together, which makes starbucks a desirable place to work. Apart from satisfying its staff and customers sratbucks also serve the community. This is done through their corporate social responsibility group which donated $36.1 Million cash and products sratbucks also volunteered 383,000 hours to help out the community .The unique culture of starbucks helped them to maintain the satisfaction of employees which resulted in low staff turnover and the contentment of a staff were transferred to the cust omers. By the early year 2000 the rules and strategies of starbucks started to change as it was believed the starbucks amazing culture is onerous instead of competitive advantage. as stated in the case study the company had stopped paying for the overtime, less care for the staff and injuries related to work were not being paid for .After Mr.Schultz leadership partners were not consulted about the new strategic decision like, drive through, offering sandwiches or the design changes made to accommodate more customers. Reduced empowerment and lack of entrepreneurial spirit was the result of these policies of the partners. Partners make labour union was fired by the Starbucks. This indicates that the starbucks partners cant get to the upper level management. They need union because of the unhappiness.Making more stores and achieving higher sales become the aim of the higher management .The partners had a feeling that it was not starbucks who was giving up the benefits, but the case was that they had to work very hard to get them .Starbucks faced problems like lower customer satisfaction, less staff satisfaction, reduction in sales and share value as a result of deviation from their culture. 2: Team performance targets towards objectives. To achieve objective a few targets are recommended of the evaluation of the organization: Business It analysed that after Mr.Schultz era which ended at the start of 2000 the focus of the organization deviated from people to other issues .Starbucks preferred products, increase in efficiency through machines and growth of the organization over the people. Leadership Transformational leadership is required to solve the issues mentioned above in the analysis. Importance of leadership should be recognised by Starbucks and the fact that management is not the replacement for leadership. From the above study we can conclude that Starbucks is totally unaware with the advantages of transformational leadership. A good example can be Mr.Schultz. starbuks needs to get in leadership training programmes. They could use their own leadership story for a better understanding. As their story mentions different impacts, under different leaderships. Culture The culture of Starbucks is very rich but after 2000 their dimensions, strategies, aims changed. According to market research report 53% to 61% believes that Starbucks is all about making money. While 48% to 55% people have thinking that Starbucks is all about opening new stores. Its partners also feel that the employees are not being cared for. All the negative thoughts about Starbucks need to be changed. Motivation Starbuks needs to motivate its workforce. As from the study above we have noticed that employees do not have any say. They should be made part of the decision making process., their work shall be appreciated by verbal means as well as financially at times. A new job design needs to be in place which involves less use of machines. Boost in entrepreneurship spirit and empowerment can be achieved if supported and participated leadership is introduced. Product and Competitive Advantage, Vision, Atmosphere and People Creating product differentiation on actual product is very difficult. Competitive avantages can be created through the way to concentrate on service and environment. Environment can be improved by making seating more comfortable by installation of music systems, roper lighting, carpets, heating systems and comfortable seats. Job satisfaction is very important to maintain, as a satisfied workforce will make customers satisfied. This can be achieved by thinking of new ways to reduce job stress. One way can be by reducing the use of espresso machines. 3: Monitoring of actions and activities to uplift team performance Dividing the task into groups or departments and developing coordination between these departments of the organization to achieve organizational goals is called Organizational structure. A good structure sets clearly defined authorities and duties. It also develops and increases coordination. As a result it eases monitoring of different activities of the organisation. Enhanced effectiveness and effectiveness in operations of the organization is a result of this. Organizational structure can be made in three ways; by grouping different activities of the organization: Functional Structure (grouping by task) Divisional Structure (grouping by output) Matrix Structure(grouping by task and output simultaneously ) Starbucks has some functional departments but apart from that it does not have any formal organizational structure as there is no data written in the case study nor on the website. These departments are finance, sales, corporate social responsibility, production, research and development and human resources. The organisation structure shows lack of connection, sequence and coordination between different departments which is observed in the case study. From this kind of functional grouping Starbucks achieved in-depth functional knowledge as it is stated in the case study We tend to be great on measuring things, at collecting market data (Suhomlinova, 2008) but overall organizational goal is suffering due to lack of coordination and accountability. Starbucks grouping also hindering the effective decision making process of the organization as it is stated that we are not very disciplined when it comes to using this data to drive decision making (Suhomlinova, 2008). Poor accountability no clear responsibly is also observed as market research noticed that Starbucks is losing product differentiation and customers satisfaction rates are declining through their decisions like creating convenience by increasing no of stores and drive-throughs but no one was looking at the big picture and previous executives were blaming soft economy for poor performance (Suhomlinova, 2008). During rapid expansion they followed Max Weber Classical approach which led to bureaucracy. They moved their focus from people to mechanistic organization as Mr. Schultz said that he want to shift Starbucks focus from bureaucracy to people by giving them more training and tools to launch new products and introduce new concepts in store designs (Suhomlinova, 2008). All of the above circumstances are creating problems like critical customers satisfaction results reduction in staff morale and cannibalization of existing stores. In respect to Starbuck bureaucracy means function department are performing their tasks without coordination, espresso machines increased standardisation which made partners job boring, formalization and centralized authority to make decision. In general bureaucracy result in higher performance for large size organizations but in Starbucks bureaucracy became a factor or low performance because bureaucracy is effective in standardised operational activities and Starbucks customers want personalized coffee with non-standardized emotional greeting. Value Chain and coordination with drawing activity map Activities related to production are divided into secondary and primary activities by Michael E. Porter value chain. Making and delivering the products is associated with primary activities. Supporting and service activities are related to support the primary actives to produce product or services effectively and efficiently (Johnson, 2008: p.110). Starbucks diversified product portfolio and geographical distances are creating hurdles to fully utilize the essence of vale chain. Mr. Middelhoff asked the whole group to increase and share communication and resources for synergy without drawing an activity map that where the coordination is required. Michael E. Porters value chain is shown in the following diagram. 4. Apply influencing and persuading skills to the active and politics of personal relations. Starbucks needs to develop a marketing department as it has expanded to such a large scale. To develop a marketing department integration of its 3 existing department market research group, category group and marketing group is needed which is show in the picture and adopt relationship marketing approach. Organizational Chart for Starbucks In order to overcome the difficulties mentioned in the analysis an organization chart is shown above. In designing Starbucks structure all types of grouping methods are considered to maximise synergies. To increase communication horizontal and vertical structures are used at different levels. Horizontal structure is used at bottom level management, which includes country manager, area manager, Store Manager and then sales. Vertical communication is used in functional departments. To comprehend customers, enhance efficiency and effectiveness marketing decisions, through internal integration of three existing groups marketing department is brought in to shape. As all the departments will be at head office, it will improve coordination and communication between functional departments. In result this will improve and foster strategic decision making process. Implementing the above recommended chat will result in decentralised and clear responsibilities at all management levels. This will help the organisation reduce bureaucracy. Conclusion The study has tried to explore Starbucks within four learning outcomes as specified above and has found that Starbucks has a unique spiritual culture created by a transformational leader Mr. Schultz. This case tells us that how leaders and organizations can change commodity into culture by having strong belief on people and by creating ethical culture. Power and devotion of people can change a simple product and small company to huge multinational company. Critical analysis of different theories in organization behaviour module not only helps in understanding the organization but also provide a basis to improve them in different environments. Most of the companies now days are trying to increase performance of the organizations by embracing technology but this case study give us a different point of view a more natural approach to solve different problems of the organizations. Different theories developed with the passage of time but to understand organization performance its best to understand and apply all to get multiple view of the organization behaviour.

Comercio Electrónico

Comercio Electrà ³nico Este trabajo hablara sobre el desenvolvimiento del Comercio Electrà ³nico evidencia en los tiempos actuales, que comprende un instrumento cuyo crecimiento es impresionante, sobre los cuales es necesario tomar control que resguarde el desarrollo de la actividad Comercial que allà ­ se efectà ºa. El interà ©s que surja y se establezcan parà ¡metros controladores en beneficio de quienes forman parte de la actividad; es decir, tanto demandantes como comerciantes de bienes y servicios, asà ­ como de los agentes recaudadores de impuestos a la actividad comercial quienes determinan como usuarios las necesidades reales han de tomarse en cuenta para orientar el diseà ±o de la plataforma tecnolà ³gica sobre la cual opera estas actividades destinadas al Comercio, aun cuando los fabricantes de las tecnologà ­as han dado muestras fehacientes del perfeccionamiento en cuanto operatividad; sin embargo, en la actualidad se ha incrementado en el ciberespacio (escenario de la actividad comerc ial), un gran nà ºmero de fraudes que van en detrimento de quienes operan comercialmente a travà ©s de este medio, aà ºn cuando el espacio de la operacià ³n es virtual, los delitos o fraudes que ocurren en à ©l son reales. DESARROLLO En la actualidad la informatizacià ³n se ha implantado en casi todos los paà ­ses. Tanto en la organizacià ³n y administracià ³n de empresas y administraciones pà ºblicas como en la investigacià ³n cientà ­fica, en la produccià ³n industrial o en el estudio, e incluso en el ocio, el uso de la informà ¡tica es en ocasiones indispensable y hasta conveniente. Sin embargo, junto a las incuestionables ventajas que presenta comienzan a surgir algunas facetas negativas, como por ejemplo, lo que ya se conoce como criminalidad informà ¡tica. El espectacular desarrollo de la tecnologà ­a informà ¡tica ha abierto las puertas a nuevas posibilidades de delincuencia antes impensables. La manipulacià ³n fraudulenta de los ordenadores con à ¡nimo de lucro, la destruccià ³n de programas o datos y el acceso y la utilizacià ³n indebida de la informacià ³n que puede afectar la esfera de la privacidad, son algunos de los procedimientos relacionados con el procesamiento electrà ³nico de datos mediante los cuales es posible obtener grandes beneficios econà ³micos o causar importantes daà ±os materiales o morales. Pero no sà ³lo la cuantà ­a de los perjuicios asà ­ ocasionados es a menudo infinitamente superior a la que es usual en la delincuencia tradicional, sino que tambià ©n son mucho mà ¡s elevadas las posibilidades que no lleguen a descubrirse. Se trata de una delincuencia de especialistas capaces muchas veces de borrar toda huella de los hechos. En este sentido, la informà ¡tica puede ser el objeto del ataque o el medio para cometer otros delitos. La informà ¡tica reà ºne unas caracterà ­sticas que la convierten en un medio idà ³neo para la comisià ³n de muy distintas modalidades delictivas, en especial de carà ¡cter patrimonial (estafas, apropiaciones indebidas, etc.). La idoneidad proviene, bà ¡sicamente, de la gran cantidad de datos que se acumulan, con la consiguiente facilidad de acceso a ellos y la relativamente fà ¡cil manipulacià ³n de esos datos. La importancia reciente de los sistemas de datos, por su gran incidencia en la marcha de las empresas, tanto pà ºblicas como privadas, los ha transformado en un objeto cuyo ataque provoca un perjuicio enorme, que va mucho mà ¡s allà ¡ del valor material de los objetos destruidos. A ello se une que estos ataques son relativamente fà ¡ciles de realizar, con resultados altamente satisfactorios y al mismo tiempo procuran a los autores una probabilidad bastante alta de alcanzar los objetivos sin ser descubiertos. El estudio de los distintos mà ©todos de destruccià ³n y/o violacià ³n del hardware y el software es necesario en orden a determinar cuà ¡l serà ¡ la direccià ³n que deberà ¡ seguir la proteccià ³n jurà ­dica de los sistemas informà ¡ticos, ya que sà ³lo conociendo el mecanismo de estos mà ©todos es posible encontrar las similitudes y diferencias que existen entre ellos. De este modo se pueden conocer los problemas que es necesario soslayar para conseguir una proteccià ³n jurà ­dica eficaz sin caer en la casuà ­stica. En consecuencia, la legislacià ³n sobre proteccià ³n de los sistemas informà ¡ticos ha de perseguir acercarse lo mà ¡s posible a los distintos medios de proteccià ³n ya existentes, creando una nueva regulacià ³n sà ³lo en aquellos aspectos en los que, en base a las peculiaridades del objeto de proteccià ³n, sea imprescindible. Si se tiene en cuenta que los sistemas informà ¡ticos, pueden entregar datos e informaciones sobre miles de personas, naturales y jurà ­dicas, en aspectos tan fundamentales para el normal desarrollo y funcionamiento de diversas actividades como bancarias, financieras, tributarias, provisionales y de identificacià ³n de las personas. Y si a ello se agrega que existen Bancos de Datos, empresas o entidades dedicadas a proporcionar, si se desea, cualquier informacià ³n, sea de carà ¡cter personal o sobre materias de las mà ¡s diversas disciplinas a un Estado o particulares; se comprenderà ¡ que està ¡n en juego o podrà ­an llegar a estarlo de modo dramà ¡tico, algunos valores colectivos y los consiguientes bienes jurà ­dicos que el ordenamiento jurà ­dico-institucional debe proteger. No es la amenaza potencial de la computadora sobre el individuo lo que provoca desvelo, sino la utilizacià ³n real por el hombre de los sistemas de informacià ³n con fines de espionaje. No son los grandes sistemas de informacià ³n los que afectan la vida privada sino la manipulacià ³n o el consentimiento de ello, por parte de individuos poco conscientes e irresponsables de los datos que dichos sistemas contienen. La humanidad no esta frente al peligro de la informà ¡tica sino frente a la posibilidad real de que individuos o grupos sin escrà ºpulos, con aspiraciones de obtener el poder que la informacià ³n puede conferirles, la utilicen para satisfacer sus propios intereses, a expensas de las libertades individuales y en detrimento de las personas. Asimismo, la amenaza futura serà ¡ directamente proporcional a los adelantos de las tecnologà ­as informà ¡ticas. La proteccià ³n de los sistemas informà ¡ticos puede abordarse tanto desde una perspectiva penal como de una perspectiva civil o comercial, e incluso de derecho administrativo. Estas distintas medidas de proteccià ³n no tienen porque ser excluyentes unas de otras, sino que, por el contrario, à ©stas deben estar estrechamente vinculadas. Por eso, dadas las caracterà ­sticas de esta problemà ¡tica sà ³lo a travà ©s de una proteccià ³n global, desde los distintos sectores del ordenamiento jurà ­dico, es posible alcanzar una cierta eficacia en la defensa de los ataques a los sistemas informà ¡ticos. Objetivo General: Acceder a un conjunto de nociones, conceptos e informaciones diversas, que permita la exploracià ³n de la realidad del comportamiento de la actividad comercial dentro de la Red, midiendo el efecto que tal actividad ejerce en la sociedad y en forma individual y en especial, cuando son objeto de fraudes en la realizacià ³n de las actividades; a travà ©s de una metodologà ­a seleccionada y asà ­ entender los orà ­genes, causa y consecuencias del fraude electrà ³nico, y los delitos y abusos que ocurren en la Internet. Objetivos: Determinar las condiciones necesarias para el establecimiento de la actividad comercial en red, que permita una actividad segura, sin riesgos desde el punto de vista jurà ­dico. Conocer las variables dependientes e interdependientes que inciden en el proceso de la comercializacià ³n on line, que permita de deteccià ³n y lucha contra los delitos electrà ³nicos. Conocer el impacto que tienen en la sociedad y en el individuo el manejo y la ejecucià ³n de actividades de tipo comercial a travà ©s de la red. Evaluar y entender la tecnologà ­a utilizada en la plataforma operativa, software y hardware como medio de ejecucià ³n, para la comprensià ³n del delito electrà ³nico. CONCLUSION Despues de haber comprender las particularidades reales del problema, su entorno, dimensià ³n, asà ­ como el conocimiento holà ­stico de los demà ¡s elementos evidenciados en el marco teà ³rico concluir con aproximacià ³n a un tema de gran interà ©s y de preocupacià ³n, se puede seà ±alar que dado el carà ¡cter transnacional de los delitos informà ¡tico cometidos esto implica actividades criminales que no se contemplan en las figuras tradicionales como robos, hurtos, falsificaciones, estafa, sabotaje, etc. Sin embargo, debe destacarse que el uso de las tà ©cnicas informà ¡ticas ha creado nuevas posibilidades del uso indebido de computadoras lo que ha propiciado a su vez la necesidad de regulacià ³n por parte del derecho. Universidad Iberoamericana UNIBE Administracià ³n de empresas Jonathan Sanchez Mat. 10-0476 Introduccion a la TIC 2ndo Parcial Jonathan Antonio Sanchez Pena Primera terraza del arroyo num. 37, cuesta Hermosa 2 arroyo hondo. Tel. 809-567-4704, Cel. 809-917-1231 Personal: Fecha de nac: 24 de oct del 1990 Nacionalidad: Dominicana Cedula: 001-1861213-4 Educacion: Colegio San Judas Tadeo Universidad Unibe Administracion de empresas 2do semestre Idiomas: Espanol Ingles Experiencia Laboral: Hotel Jaragua Campamento Comatillo/ monitor Plaza Lama/ vendedor Referencias: Piroska Ordehi: 809.986.4556 Gianfranco Torino: 809-532-6161 INDICE Pag.1.. Introduccion Pag.2-5 . Desarrollo Pag. 6 .. Conclusion Pag.7 .. Internetgrafia INTERNETGRAFIAà ±ol/Capà ­tulo%2014.%20Comercio%20Electrà ³nico/DR-CAFTA%20Capà ­tulo%2014.%20Comercio%20Electrà ³nico.pdf

Saturday, July 20, 2019

You Shouldnt Have To Say Good-bye :: essays research papers

The Book is set in New York. It is a book about a young girl losing her mother to cancer. The theme is to never let a death in your life ruin the rest. I thought the book was really good. I showed a clear picture of how things can be when someone close to you is very sick, and there's nothing you can do about it. Sarah who is the only child is very close to her mother. One day when she comes home from school she finds out her mom is in the hospital. Hs did not come until two weeks later. When Sarah's mom comes home, she does not look very good. Later that day Sarah finds out that her mom has melanoma cancer. Her mom and dad both assure her that things will be fine, but Sarah isn't so sure. The days pass by and her mom seemed to get better and better every day. Sarah's best friend, Robin assures her that her mom will be just fine. Her mom teaches her many new things like laundry and buys her books to read. They spent as much time as possible together. However, one day when she gets home from school, no one is at the house. Sarah calls her dad's work and is told her dad is in the hospital with her mom. After a couple of hours, Sarah goes to school to perform in a talent show, still hoping that her parents would show up to see her. During her gymnastics routine, she spots her dad and mom in a wheelchair. After the show, she can't figure out why her mom is in a wheelchair. He friend Robin who performed in the show with her leaves with her mom quickly without saying anything. When they get home her parents try to convert her and decide to have a Christmas party. The party goes well and Sarah's mom seems better. On Christmas Eve day, Sarah is told to open presents right after lunch. She gets really upset because they usually do it in the evening. As Sarah came to her mother, who was sitting on the couch, her mother put her hands on Sarah's forehead. But as seconds pass, her head fell back, she closed her eyes and died.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Standardized Test Scores and Their Use in College Admissions Decisions

Standardized Test Scores and their use in College Admissions Decisions PURPOSE The purpose of this proposal is to examine current and future Iowa State University admissions decisions processes. At the present time most colleges, including Iowa State use a combination of standardized test scores, high school class rank, high school grade point average, and essays to make decisions on admissions. All of the above are good determinants of a student’s possible success in college, except standardized test scores. Standardized tests discriminate against minorities and are not a good overall indicator of a student’s potential. For these reasons and others, Iowa State should not use standardized test scores when making admissions decisions. BACKGROUND Since America’s college system began, someone has had the responsibility of deciding who gets into a college and who does not. Colleges and universities must draw the line somewhere as to who has the opportunity to become more educated and who gets a full-time job at McDonald’s. This decision-making process has always been a difficult job and has become even more difficult in recent years as competition in higher education gets tougher. College admissions departments have come up with a system which combines indicators such as standardized test scores, high school class rank, grade point average, and essays. Different schools put different amounts of emphasis on these gauges but most use some mixture of them. In recent years many schools have begun to put more emphasis on standardized test scores. Almost all college bound students now take entrance exams like the ACT or SAT. These tests supposedly indicate how "smart" a student is and how successful they would be in colle... ...f schools, ranging from small liberal arts colleges to large public universities, have made the switch. Most report many benefits with "no drop-off in the academic quality of their applicants" (FairTest). Colleges and universities could make this decision for themselves or the change could come thorough a statewide policy. For example in Texas, starting in 1998, students applying to public universities who were in the top 10 percent of their graduating high school class, do not have to take the ACT or SAT (State Colleges). A policy such as this is another example of a possible way to emphasize high school achievement rather than test scores. The no standardized test policy should be implemented at Iowa State University as soon as possible. Beginning with the incoming freshman class of 2001, standardized tests should not be used as a tool in admissions decisions.

Analysis of The World Bank’s Findings on Air Pollution Essay -- Pollut

Analysis of The World Bank’s Findings on Air Pollution (PM10 Concentration) in World Cities The World Bank is an international non-governmental organization with the goal of aiding developing countries throughout the world with financial and technical assistance. Besides the obvious concern of financial stability for the impoverished countries of the world, the World Bank also focuses on education, health, infrastructure, and communications. Our analysis deals with the environment and infrastructure aspects of the World Bank’s work. The World Bank provided us with the dataset entitled â€Å"Air Pollution in World Cities (PM10 Concentration).† â€Å"PM† stands for particulate matter pollution in the air. This dataset showed every major city in the world with a population of 100,000 or more and also every country’s PM concentration. The country-based portion of the dataset was used for this analysis. The primary determinants of PM concentrations are the scale and composition of economic activity, population, the energy mix, the strength of local p ollution regulation, and geographic and atmospheric conditions that affect pollutant dispersion in the atmosphere. (World Bank) Thanks to economic improvements throughout the world and technological advancements, PM10 concentration has increased at a very slow rate. The objective of this analysis was to determine the pollution concentration of several regions throughout the world, including Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania, Central America, Europe, the Middle East, North America, and South America. Our original null hypothesis was that the ÃŽ ¼ of the pollution concentration of each region was equal. Conversely, the alternative hypothesis states that the ÃŽ ¼ of each region is not equal. We used se... ... show the discrepancy between region means, but it can also be physically observed when comparing the two extremes of Europe at 30.95 and Africa at 73.31 PM10 concentrations. It is obvious from the results of this analysis that the world has a wide range of pollution effects. Traditionally more advanced regions such as Europe and North America have pollution under control because of a stable economy and a wide array of technological resources. Other regions such as Africa and Central America are struggling with pollution, relative to more developed regions, improvements in technology and structural shifts (World Bank) in the world economy are helping these regions keep air pollution to a minimum. WORKS CITED 1. The World Bank,,contentMDK:20785646~pagePK:64214825~piPK:64214943~theSitePK:469382,00.html

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Catholic Response to Reformation

4. What were the responses of the Catholic authorities in the 16th century to the challenges posed by the Lutheran Reformation? The demand to reform the Roman Catholic Church stretched on for ages. Many people, such as Peter Waldo, John Wycliffe, and Jan Hus criticized the church for its worldliness and believed that one didn’t need direction from the Church, but just needed to read the Bible for guidance. It was from these men that Martin Luther came to the conclusion that faith alone would lead to salvation and you didn’t need to work for it.Martin Luther appealed to Pope Leo X to correct the abuses of the Church. When that didn’t work, he rallied the people to follow him. His beliefs spread through German states and most of Northern Europe. In response, the Catholic Church assembled the Council of Trent, which defined the Catholic religion and reformed the abuses of the Catholic Church. The Church also established the Jesuits, who spread the Catholic teachings during the Lutheran Reformation. Finally, the Church employed many policing tactics against the Lutheran Reformation.These responses kept Catholicism a major religion in Europe. Although the conciliar movement was ended by Pope Pius II around the 1450s, the people during the Lutheran Reformation were calling for a general council of the church. Charles the V, emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and King of Spain, tried to persuade the Pope to assemble a council because he hope that the church would fix some of the abuses, thus stop people from converting to Lutheranism. However, Francis I, King of France, actively promoted the Protestants in Germany, even though France is a Catholic country.He did this because Charles V’s land surrounded France. He wanted Germany to be in a state of argument so that it would be too weak to be a threat to France. While Francis II did this, he also used his influence in Rome to call off any assembly of a council because it would expose the flaws of the Roman Catholic Church. In time, the King of France lost and a council was called to reform the abuses of the Church and establish a statement of the Catholic religion. It began deliberations in 1545 in Trent, in the Alpine border between Germany and Italy.The Council of Trent reaffirmed many beliefs of the Catholic religion such as it justified that faith and works led to salvation, transubstantiation, purgatory, and the celibacy of the clergy. The council of Trent also declared reforms in monastic orders. It called to correct the abuses of indulgence while at the same time upholding the principle. It also called for bishops to take more responsibilities in their administrative control over their clergy and to make sure they were properly taking care of their own duties. The Council also wanted competent men running their churches, so they set up seminaries to educate the priests.The decrees of the Council of Trent would have been obsolete if it wasn’t from a new relig ious seriousness within the Catholic Church. There was much hatred toward the Roman clergy, as shown by the sack of Rome in 1527, where German and Spanish soldiers looted Rome, killed thousands, captured the Pope. Moralist began to speak and there words were heard. New popes, starting with Pope Paul III, regarded his office as a religious force to reform the church. New religious orders were founded on the basis of the new Catholic faith. The Jesuits, the most famous of these orders; it was founded by a Spaniard named St.Ignatius Loyola. He had a religious experience in 1521, when he was a child before hearing of Luther, and wanted to become a soldier of the church. On this experience, he founded the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). Authorized by Pope Paul III in 1540, the Jesuits were an order less attached to the clergy and more actively involved in the affairs of the world. They believe the Roman Church was a divine institution, and all members had to take a pledge to obey the Pope. T he Jesuits were some of the most famous educators of the Catholic world, with around 500 schools in the upper and middle classes.They combined the faith and religious teachings of the Catholic Church with the etiquette teachings that a gentleman should have. The Jesuits also brought into their teachings the Renaissance humanism found in the Latin classics. The Jesuits were not only teachers of the Catholic religion, but they also acted as a missionary force. They recruited members from all over Europe, especially in areas that were still disputed over which religion to choose. After the initial burst of Protestantism faded, many people wanted to return to the Catholic religion, especially when the Council of Trent corrected the most obvious abuses of the Church.The Jesuits reconverted most of these people in the areas of Germany, Bohemia, Poland, and Hungary. They also recruited from countries that already turned Protestant, like England, where their goal was to stop Queen Elizabeth I because they believed that the universal church was more important than national independence in religion. The Catholic Church not only reformed and spread its teachings across Europe, but the Church set up laws and police to enforce the Catholic religion. Many books were censored by the Catholic Church. They were trying to suppress the knowledge of â€Å"heretics†, the Protestants, from the people.The Pope had a list published by the Pope called the Papal Index of Prohibited Books. Only individuals with special permission were able to study these books. There were many establishments that enforced the Church’s rules. None was more dreaded than the Spanish and Papal Inquisitions. Although the Spanish Inquisition was originally established to drive out the Jews and the Muslims, it was introduced to all the Spanish-ruled countries in Europe. It was employed against the Protestant movement in the Netherlands. The Papal Inquisition was established in 1514, under the Hol y Office, a permanent committee of cardinals.To Rome, it was a revival of a famous medieval tribunal for the detection and repression of heresy. Both of these Inquisitions employed torture for various tasks. Torture was used for heresy or employed on any person charged with a crime, whether it was in civil and ecclesiastical court. The Spanish Inquisition was harsher than the Papal Inquisition in terms of punishment, people were often burned alive and the Papal Inquisition was all about protecting the faith in all parts of the Catholic world. In 1560, the major powers in Europe were declared Catholic countries, like France, Spain, and Austria.All the countries that turned to Protestantism were very small countries like the German states and the Scandinavian kingdoms in the north. The biggest Protestant nation was England, but England was still small compared to France and Spain. The reason why Protestantism did not spread is because of the tactics the Catholic Church employed agains t the Lutheran Reformation. The Council of Trent, the Jesuits, and the police commissions like the Inquisition all helped halt the teachings of Martin Luther and convinced the people to believe in the newer and better Catholic Church.